BelAkker is Groot Eiland's urban farming project. BelAkker comprises 4 vegetable gardens where we harvest "high value crops": La Petite Senne at the Quai du Hainaut, Ter Ursulinen in the Marolles, L'abattoir on the roof of the Abattoirs and Hélifarm in the North Quarter. These 4 gardens in the centre operate according to the SPIN-farming method: Small Plot Intensive Farming. We currently grow high-value crops and added-value crops. High-value crops offer the highest possible yield per m2, such as lettuce mix, arugula, spinach, baby greens, cherry tomato, edible flowers, herbs, spring onion, ... Added value crops are popular crops that diversify our offer such as courgettes, beans, snow peas, aubergines, peppers, melon, ...
You go for sustainability
BelAkker is part of Groot Eiland, an organisation that provides training for people that are far from the labour market. Planting, weeding and harvesting are done with the help of employees in labour care or in work experience training. With cargo bikes, they bring the harvest to the customer.
Vegetables are grown organically on our urban fields. Our chain is very short. All our fields are within a 3 km radius, as are our restaurants and sandwich shops. Our harvest goes straight into the kitchens of our restaurants BelMundo, Taverne Ter Linden and RestoBel and our sandwich shops BelO and Elan. Our company restaurant BelCanto in De Munt, student restaurant BelCampus in Hogeschool Odisee and catering company BelCatering also rely on our local, super-fresh produce to prepare healthy, nutritious and delicious meals. In addition, our vegetables are offered in our bioshop BelFood and we supply various classy restaurants in Brussels.
As part of our employment care offer in urban agriculture, Groot Eiland is a supporting partner of the Soins Verts - Groene Zorg project.
URBAN Vegetable Gardens
La Petite Senne
Quai du Hainaut 41-43 1080 Molenbeek
Rue Ropsy Chaudron 24 1070 Anderlecht
Quartier du Nord, 1000 Brussels
Ter Ursulinen
Rue Ursulinen 6 1000 Brussels
VAT: BE0430.686.037
URBAN Vegetable Gardens
La Petite Senne
Quai du Hainaut 41-43 1080 Molenbeek
Rue Ropsy Chaudron 24 1070 Anderlecht
Quartier du Nord, 1000 Brussels
Ter Ursulinen
Rue Ursulinen 6 1000 Brussels
VAT: BE0430.686.037